Friday, April 12, 2013

Giddy up horsey!

Mojang's lead developer on Minecraft, Jens Bergenstern has made no secret that they plan to add horses to the game in its upcoming 1.6 update.
The developer today said that in addition to horses, players will be able to tie their steeds to fence posts so they don't wander off. Players will also be able to equip them with horse armor so they'll be able to take a beating from zombies and the like.
A Mojang developer Marc_IRL joked that "Mojang announces horse armor, is sued AGAIN by Bethesda." The joke comes from the fact that one of the first ever DLC released was a piece of downloadable horse armor for Oblivion, which sold for a dollar and made the company the butt of jokes. Those who made fun of the company were incredulous to the fact that it actually sold well, prompting many other studios to follow in lockstep to Bethesda's DLC experiment.
In addition to the horse armor announcement, another developer, Nathan "Dinnerbone" Adams, says that the team is considering the implementation of regional difficulty. "The longer you spend in one area, the harder it gets".
There's a good chance that we'll be seeing the feature in a future snapshot of the game.

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