Member Commands

For any guest/player on Our Minecraft Server the most important command would be to see the rules in order for him to follow them
to see the rules page.

to see the help page 1
/help pagenumber (example: /help 2)
to see the page 2 of help, just replace the 2 with any number to see the respective page.

simplest way to warp to the spawn area (where you started from when you joined the server) if you don't know where you are just go to the spawn and find your way.

/playerlist or /who
to see the list of players currently playing on the server.

to set your home at the location your at the moment for later use with /home to teleport to that location easily from anywhere on the map.

to teleport from any location to your home which your previously set by using the /sethome command.

/msg Player-Name Message (example: /msg waelz You are best at Redstone circuits don't tell Robin)
/pm Player-Name Message (example: /pm waelz You are best at Redstone circuits don't tell Robin)
to send a private message to the player specified.

/reply Message (example: /reply You really are the best at Redstone circuits)
/r Message (example: /r You really are the best at Redstone circuits)
if and when you have already sent a message to a player using the /msg command you can just type in /reply message to send a private message to him again.

to view the message of the day in-case you missed it or you where unable to read it for some reason.

/call Player-Name
to call a player so that he can teleport you to him where ever on the location of the map he currently is.

to set your status as afk (away from keyboard). when your return type /afk again to reset your status.

to see a compass reading which direction are you facing.

  • N for North
  • S for South
  • E for East
  • W for West
  • NW for North-West
  • SW for South-West
  • NE for North-East
  • SE for South-East.
Basic money commands.
Usage: /money [command|player] [parameter] [parameter]
Commands: pay, top, rank, withdraw, deposit, reset
Alternative-Commands: -p, -t, -r, -w, -d, -x
When you become a member you are awarded with 2000 coins to buy any item you need from the shop or any player. it would be best to buy Diamond Tool Set (Diamond Shovel, Diamond Pickaxe, Diamond Axe) from the shop to start playing.

to see how much money you have.

/money top
to see the top 5 richest players.

/money pay playername amount (example: /money pay chiink 100)
to pay any player to buy something from him or to pay for any service taken.

to protect your chest or furnace from greifers, type /cprivate and then left-click the chest or furnace that you wish to protect.

to make the chest or furnace usable by all the members,  type /cpublic and then left-click the chest or furnace that you wish to protect.

to remove proctection from your previously protected chests etc. type /cremove and then left-click the chest etc. that you wish to unprotect.

to see the current world time.

/auc help
to view the auction help page.

/bid <bid>
Bid on a running auction, example: /bid 700

/auc info
/auc i
to view the auction information if there is one currently running.

Petition Commands:

/pe open or /pe create or /pe new
 /pe open|create|new <Message>
Example: /pe open there a floating tree at the spawn
to create a new petition.

/pe comment or /pe log
Syntax: /pe comment|log <#> <Message>
Example: /pe comment 1 the tree is still floating
to comment on the specified petition for any progress.

/pe list
Syntax: /pe list <count>
Example: /pe list or  /pe list 1
to view the list of petitions with list page number.

/pe view
Syntax: /pe view <#>
Example: /pe view 1
to view the specified petition.

/pe warp or /pe goto
Syntax: /pe warp|goto <#>
Example: /pe warp 1
to teleport to the coordinates where the petition was created for inspection.

/pe reopen
Syntax: /pe reopen <#> <Message>
Example: /pe reopen 1 the floating tree was not fixed properly
to reopen a previously closed petition for any new concerned issues.

MCMMO Commands:
Reglar members now got a few basic mcmmo skills
/mcc to see the list of commands


  1. Anonymous24/7/12 15:20

    Is this server shut down?

  2. Anonymous24/7/12 15:22

    If someone is reading this then tell me if you own a server and give me the adress cause I'm looking for some cool servers with tpa and home

  3. Tyndale2345624/7/12 15:24

    Is this server really old and not working anymore?

  4. The server is running non stop since 2010 with temp breaks for maintenance work probably no longer than an hour max, the address to join is
