Protection Tutorial

Before we get into the nitty gritty details of the tutorial First of all we need to understand why we protect and learn a few of the basic commands, The only way to fully prevent accidents and greifing is area protection, because people tend to be clumsy and accidents happen from time to time, we use the combination of WorldEdit and WorldGuard to fullfill our protection needs.

On Our Minecraft Server the protection can only be set-up by VIP or up so if you are a Member, or a please contact a Mod to set-up the protection for you, after the area protection is set you can use several commands to customize your protected area.

Following are the basic commands you need to know:

Permission: Builder and up
Gives you the "edit wand" (by default, a wooden axe). Left click with this tool to select position 1 and right click to select position 2.

/region define
Permission: VIP and up
Syntax: /region define <id> [<owner1>[<owner2> [<owners...>]]]
Example: /region define AreaName RobinR or /region define GAMall FearTheGame OCALIEN
To define a region with a specific ID or Name for a specified player.

/region flag
Permission: Builder and up
Syntax: /region flag <id> <flag> [<value>]
Permission: Mod and up
Example: /region flag AreaName mob-spawning deny or /region flag Mall mob-spawning deny
Example: /region flag AreaName mob-spawning allow or /region flag Mall mob-spawning allow
Permission: Builder and up
Example: /region flag AreaName greeting message or /region flag Mall greeting Welcome to the Mall
Example: /region flag AreaName farwell message or /region flag Mall greeting Thank you for visiting the Mall
Example: /region flag AreaName build deny or /region flag Mall build deny
Example: /region flag AreaName chest-access deny or /region flag Mall chest-access deny
Example: /region flag AreaName vehicle-place deny or /region flag Mall vehicle-place deny
Example: /region flag AreaName pvp deny or /region flag Mall pvp deny
To flag the specified region with the desired value, if you intend to make it a mob spawning region, you need to setup a welcome message indicating this region has mobs enabled.

/region info
Permission: Builder and up
Syntax: /region info [<world>] <id>
Example: /region info AreaName or  /region info Mall
To get info of the specified region.

/region remove
Permission: Builder and up
Syntax: /region remove <id>
Example: /region remove AreaName or /region remove Mall
To remove the specified region.

/region addmember
Permission: Builder and up
Syntax: /region addmember <id> <member1>[<member2> [<members...>]]
Example: /region addmember AreaName FearTheGame or /region addmember GAMall FearTheGame OCALIEN
To add another member or a number of members to the already defined region.

/region removemember
Permission: Builder and up
Syntax: /region removemember <id> <member1>[<member2> [<members...>]]
Example: /region removemember AreaName FearTheGame or /region removemember GAMall FearTheGame OCALIEN
To remove a member or a number of members to the already defined region.

Other command include:


To easily understand a cuboid area think of a 3D Box shape or a Shoe Box, Follow the steps bellow to protect an Area, Structure, Region, or a Cubiod:
  1. Type //wand command to get the magic tool. To select an area, region or cuboid, no matter how big or small, you need the magic tool to get it type //wand command, you will get a wooden axe. 
  2. Left click the first point (Point 1) of the cuboid. Left click the bottom left front corner block of the structure or area to select the position one. 
  3. Right click to select the diagonal second point (Point 2) of the cuboid. Right click the top right back corner block of the structure or area to select the position two.
    If you have followed the instructions correctly you have selected a cuboid area you are now ready to type a command.
  4. (Optional) To cover the entire area, from bedrock to sky, type //expand vert. 
  5. Type /region define Mall RobinR Waelz to define a region named Mall with players RobinR and Waelz The region can now only be modified by RobinR and Waelz.

for easy understanding the two blocks/points that you have to set-up are A and G.

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