Sunday, April 15, 2012

Server Updated to MC 1.2.5

Unlike previous Minecraft updates this was not as urgent as they actually had some backwards compatibility in mind, I really liked this as it doesn't put so much pressure on everyone to rush the updates, everyone had a great time while waiting for things to get ready, and here we are.
Our server is running the latest Bukkit reccomended build, CraftBukkit 1.2.5-R1.0 (#2149)

Its been some rumors about a new ranking system and that is still in development, this update had to come before we made the new ranks. This will come slightly later as its still some work to be done around it.

There is some changes in the plugin list:

+ xSigns
Re-added this plugin that we lost a while ago, the author started updating this again which is great news, its simply redstone toggleable signs. I am glad to have this back, although very few actually used it.
Read their informational forum post for some info:

+ ButtonPromote
New plugin we intended to use with a new promotion and ranking system, this is in working order at the moment and will probably be used later. We will make a new post when that time is here.

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